Tuesday, July 19, 2011

POS System company donates to Melbourne's Cancer Research Hospital

PRLog (Press Release)– Jul 18, 2011– The Peter MacCallum is a world leader in cancer treatment, research and education.   The grants program awards funds to strategically viable initiatives that hold the most promise for people with cancer.  

Discussing the partnership and why Peter MacCallum was chose Kris Satish, CEO at Vectron POS Systems said:

"We're extremely best rc helicopter buy sell market place pleased to be an official partner of such a fantastic and worthy organization.  By contributing to medical research, we can play our part in the fight against major public health issues like cancer.

Cancer touches almost everyone in some way and this act represents the value we have placed on supporting causes which combat devastating diseases like cancer. As part of the business community we feel we have a social responsibility to support research projects which can make a long term difference to humanity in general".

Vectron donated to Peter Mac's endowment fund which helps provide long-term financial support of cancer research. The scheme supports 531276856  promising new cancer initiatives and attracts world-leading clinicians and scientists.

For more information on the Peter remote control helicopter Mac Callum Centre visit: http://www.petermac.org/

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